Tip of the Day

Function Syntax (LM:tip)   to manually display a tip
Current Version 1.1
Download TipV1-1.lsp / Tips.txt
View HTML Version TipV1-1.html

Program Description

This novelty program allows the user to display a randomly chosen custom 'Tip of the Day' message in an on-screen dialog, once a day upon opening a drawing in AutoCAD.

The tips are sourced from a user-compiled text file placed in an AutoCAD Support File Search Path. This file must be formatted in the following way:

Tip 1 line 1
Tip 1 line 2
Tip 1 line n
Tip 2 line 1
Tip 2 line 2
Tip 2 line n

Here, each tip is separated by a line containing three asterisks. Each message may be several lines long and the width of the message displayed in the dialog may be controlled directly by the length of each line.

An example of such a tip data file may be downloaded from the link above (hopefully you can come up with more imaginative tips!).

Instructions for Running

  • Download the AutoLISP file and Text File from the links at the top of this page.
  • Ensure that the AutoLISP file is loaded on drawing startup by either adding it to the Startup Suite (accessible from the APPLOAD dialog), or by including an appropriate load expression in the acaddoc.lsp file (see here for more information).
  • Edit the Tips.txt file to your preference (following the guidance for formatting described above) and place this file in an AutoCAD Support File Search Path (a list of these paths may be found & configured under the Files tab of the Options menu).
  • Restart AutoCAD or open a new drawing to see your randomly chosen custom 'Tip of the Day'.

The tip dialog will only be displayed once per day, but for testing purposes you can manually display a random tip by typing the following at the AutoCAD command-line after the program is loaded:



increase · reset · decrease

Designed & Created by Lee Mac © 2010