Browse for Folder

Function Syntax (LM:BrowseForFolder <msg> [dir] <bit>)
Current Version 1.3
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Symbol Type Description
msg String Message to display at the top of the dialog (may be an empty string)
dir String (Optional) Root Directory, user cannot navigate above this level
bit Integer Bit-coded integer controlling the behaviour of the dialog interface (detailed below)
Type Description
String Selected directory, else nil if user presses Cancel

Program Description

This function utilises the BrowseForFolder method of the Windows Shell Object to provide a dialog interface through which the user may select a directory. The appearance and behaviour of the dialog displayed to the user may be controlled using the bit-coded third parameter, supplied with values from the table shown below.

Given a valid response, this function will return the full path of the selected directory, with backslash path delimiters and no trailing path delimiter.

If the user presses 'Cancel' when prompted, this function will return nil.

Example Function Call

The following function call will display the dialog as shown in the graphic below, and will return the value shown if the user clicks OK to accept the current selection. If the user clicks Cancel, the function would return nil.

_$ (LM:browseforfolder "Select a folder" "C:\\Test" 0)
"C:\\Test\\Test 2"
Browse for Folder Example

Values for bit Parameter

The following table lists the bit codes valid for use with the third bit parameter required by the function.

These enumerations may also be found on the MSDN website here.

Bit Result
0 Standard behaviour (Default)
1 Only file system folders can be selected.
If this bit is set, the OK button is disabled if the user selects a folder that doesn't belong to the file system.
2 The user is prohibited from browsing below the domain within a network
4 Room for status text is provided under the dialog box
8 Returns file system ancestors only. An ancestor is a subfolder that is beneath the root folder.
If the user selects an ancestor of the root folder that is not part of the file system, the OK button is greyed.
16 Shows an edit box in the dialog box for the user to type the name of an item.
32 Validate the name typed in the edit box.
64 Enable drag-and-drop capability within the dialog box, reordering, shortcut menus, new folders, delete, and other shortcut menu commands.
128 The browse dialog box can display URLs.
256 When combined with flag 64, adds a usage hint to the dialog box, in place of the edit box.
512 Suppresses display of the New Folder button
1024 When the selected item is a shortcut, return the PIDL of the shortcut itself rather than its target.
4096 Enables the user to browse the network branch for computer names.
If the user selects anything other than a computer, the OK button is greyed.
8192 Enables the user to browse the network branch for printer names.
If the user selects anything other than a printer, the OK button is greyed.
16384 Allows browsing for everything: the browse dialog box displays files as well as folders.
32768 If combined with flag 64, the browse dialog box can display shareable resources on remote systems.
65536 Windows 7 & later: Allow folder junctions such as a library or a compressed file with a .zip file name extension to be browsed.


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