Directory Files

Function Syntax (LM:directoryfiles <dir> [typ] [sub])
Current Version 1.0
Symbol Type Description
dir String Root directory for which to return filenames
typ String [Optional] Filter for filetype (DOS pattern e.g. "*.dwg")
sub Boolean [Optional] If T, subdirectories of the root directory are included
Type Description
List List of files matching the filetype criteria, else nil if none are found

Function Description

This function will retrieve a list of all filenames or filenames of a specific filetype residing in a given root directory (and, optionally, subdirectories of the given directory).

The function is essentially a wrapper for the AutoLISP vl-directory-files function, however, where the vl-directory-files function is limited to returning a list files found in a given directory, this function will optionally include files residing in all subdirectories of the given directory.

Select all
;; Directory Files  -  Lee Mac
;; Retrieves all files of a specified filetype residing in a directory (and subdirectories)
;; dir - [str] Root directory for which to return filenames
;; typ - [str] Optional filetype filter (DOS pattern)
;; sub - [bol] If T, subdirectories of the root directory are included
;; Returns: [lst] List of files matching the filetype criteria, else nil if none are found

(defun LM:directoryfiles ( dir typ sub )
    (setq dir (vl-string-right-trim "\\" (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" dir)))
    (append (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (strcat dir "\\" x)) (vl-directory-files dir typ 1))
        (if sub
            (apply 'append
                   '(lambda ( x )
                        (if (not (wcmatch x "`.,`.`."))
                            (LM:directoryfiles (strcat dir "\\" x) typ sub)
                    (vl-directory-files dir nil -1)

Example Function Call

The following example will list all drawing files in the working directory:

(LM:directoryfiles (getvar 'dwgprefix) "*.dwg" nil)

Example Program

The following example program will prompt the user to select a directory and will create a text file in the selected directory containing a list of all drawing files found in the selected directory & subdirectories of the selected directory.

Note: The following program requires my Browse for Folder function to be loaded before running.

Select all
(defun c:listfiles ( / des dir lst txt )
        (   (null (setq dir (LM:browseforfolder "Select a directory to list drawing files" nil 0)))
            (princ "\n*Cancel*")
        (   (null (setq lst (LM:directoryfiles dir "*.dwg" t)))
            (princ "\nNo drawing files found in the selected directory or subdirectories.")
        (   (null (setq txt (vl-filename-mktemp "dwgs" dir ".txt") des (open txt "w")))
            (princ "\nUnable to open text file for writing.")
        (   (foreach dwg lst (write-line dwg des))
            (close des)
            (princ (strcat "\n" (itoa (length lst)) " drawing(s) written to " txt))


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